Whoa, there, calm down.
If you have such a problem with Newgrounds, coherently express your thought, rather than blasting it quickly in Caps Lock. Double-check it, and make sure that people can understand what you're trying to say.
The site isn't that buggy, it might just be your computer. I'm running Google Chrome, and have been for at least 2 years, and I've never had significant trouble with NewGrounds. The site was apparently created in July 1995, which is about 17 and a half years ago, and if I understand numerical order, that makes it much older than 5 years.
If you think Google Chrome prevents you from uploading pics, switch to FireFox, and see how that works.
Whoa, there, calm down.
If you have such a problem with Newgrounds, coherently express your thought, rather than blasting it quickly in Caps Lock. Double-check it, and make sure that people can understand what you're trying to say.
The site isn't that buggy, it might just be your computer. I'm running Google Chrome, and have been for at least 2 years, and I've never had significant trouble with NewGrounds. The site was apparently created in July 1995, which is about 17 and a half years ago, and if I understand numerical order, that makes it much older than 5 years.
If you think Google Chrome prevents you from uploading pics, switch to FireFox, and see how that works.
nahh it worked lol i guess i just had to close it down then reopen